
St Jean

On Sun 23 june 2024 from 10:00 at 19:00

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Multipurpose room - Plourac'h 14€ adults, 6€ children

06 12 91 31 97 / 02 96 45 02 94


Multipurpose room 1 rue de la mairie, 22160 Plourac'h Côtes d'Armor Brittany

Fêtes patronale de la St Jean.

10.30am: mass in the Cathedrale of Argoat.

11.45am: procession to the fountain St Jean, followed by an aperitif kindly offered by "Le Comité des Fêtes".

12.30pm: Meal...

Macedonia - Egg - Tomato.
Pig Roast - Potatoes.
"Grillé aux Pommes".

Adult menu 14€ - Children 6€ (from 6 to 12 years old).

Drink not included.

Cards on sale at Ti Melen and at town hall until Wednesday June 19 inclusive.

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