Mel 2

February, 2025

plourach By On Mon 24 feb 2025 at 21:56

In News by MEL

Hello everyone,

after a quiet Jan and Feb the events for this year are starting to rollin - Time to fill up the diary.

Léna and Yves-Marie in the bar have started a games session and the next one will be on Sat 1st March at 14.00 for about 2 hours. this is a sociable session with games such as Uno, Skyjo, dominoes, chess etc. Bring along your own favorite games as well if you wish!! It is hoped that this will be a regularsession once per month if it proves to be popular.

ARES have put together a list of events for this year but not all the dates are fixed yet. The first one is announced as the workshop on fruit tree grafting and will be on 15th March.
Place are limited but full details on 02 96 21 59 73 

The club du Roc'Hellou have their meal at Le Nivernic on 1st April. Their will also be a boules match against Lohuec/Calahnel pencilled in for 4th June followed by the club gouter.

The Amicale Laïque have their first Vide Grenier on 7th Sept 2025 in the main parking in Plourac'h.

Other events that will happen but do not yet have an exact date include Neighbours Day, Environment Day, Club du Roc'Hellou music, various sessions in the bar TY Melen etc.

Fiona has completed her lastest book which is to be released very soon. It is called Doom Bar and will be available on Kidle etc. The next one has beenstarted and thereis still some talk about a who dun it based in Plourac'h.

The boulists are planning a session to improve the boules alleys, especially the indoor alleys, in the late spring. All help would be apprecated.

For those who would like to improve their language skills Cecile Germond-Wood has started some new immersions courses. You can caontact Cecile on 06 21 15 25 50.

Take Care and see you all soon.



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