Professional references.

After 5 years of studies, in the 70's, among the team of the architectural firm Daniel de Monfreid, architect
DPLG in Paris, I created my own business of architectural models in Tulle in Corrèze in 1976
where I worked for 10 years, exclusively for developers and architects.
Over the years, having surrounded myself with three collaborators, responding to calls for tender, the markets became
more important.

Important orders followed one after the other:

- the first project was for the "France Miniature" leisure park in the Yvelines.
"France Miniature" in the Yvelines in 1986
- 2 models to scale 30
- the Viaduct of Viaur1
- the Cordouan lighthouse...

04 phare ouest 1

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03 phare ouest 1

In 1987, the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie de la Villette in Paris commissioned us to make two thematic models:

thematic models:
- the Port of Le Havre2 , interactive model (size 4x2m)
- An oil tanker3, animated model, size 2m
Then came the order from the Caen Memorial, Calvados (1987-88), for 2 models of bomber planes
- the Typhoon5, scale 1 life size
- the B174, 1/10th scale with exploded views.
Finally, in 1988, the culmination of my professional life: the firm was selected, to my great satisfaction, to produce for "le Ministère de la Culture", 2 copies de plans reliefs:
- the stronghold of Kenoque in Flanders
- the Citadel of "Belle-île en mer" in Morbihan


Contact us.


Paquette Caroline

Photographic credits.


Caroline Paquette - Christophe Eme, photographer, (lighthouse photography)

Graphic design.









Last edited: Mon 21 oct 2024