Felt Alpaca Wool

B and B creations






The art of wool and felt in Centre Bretagne



Rouet mur



 The art of wool and felt in central western Brittany.

- Hand made

- Know how traditional

- 100% pure wool

- Finished products 100% manufactured in Britain in our workshop

- Ecological: producing locally is save CO2.


Who are we ?


 8 years ago, we settled in CENTER BRETAGNE, in order to transform
our passion for wool and fibers into a profession. Brigitte is a spinner and I (Bruno) am a feutrier.
We are located in PLOURAC'H on the edge of COTES D'ARMOR on the FINISTERE side.
We happily breed a few ALPACAS here who donate their magnificent fleeces to us.
and ditch goats (local breeds)


From fleece to finished product.  


                    We offer a range of textile, artistic and decorative creations, made entirely
by hand from our alpaca fleeces (sorting, washing, carding, spinning with a spinning wheel, making,
felting), as well as fleeces from local farms. and Shetland sheep.
The threads (spinning on a spinning wheel) and the felt that we produce are ecological, they do not undergo any
treatment, we sometimes include, for certain creations, other materials most often
of natural origins.

The techniques.

Preparation of wool. 

sorting : this operation is essential, it makes it possible to rid the wool of impurities (straw,
grain, etc.) and of jar hairs (very stiff fibers altering the softness of the wool).
washing : is differentiated according to the type of wool (dry wool, oozed wool).
carding : operation which allows the fibers to be put in the same direction in order to facilitate spinning
or felting.

Spinning wool. 



Brigitte is a spinner. She spins wool on the spinning wheel.

Creating your own threads allows you to create desired effects for the end use.



  - So-called “wet felting” : this type of felting is the combination of three elements, friction,
heat and soap. It allows you to create creations for fashion and its accessories.

  - Needle felting : this technique allows you to work the wool in volume and in three
dimensions (sculptures, decoration, etc.)
  - NUNO felting : allows fibers to penetrate into a fabric (silk, linen, cotton ,hemp).



- Manufacture of thread and felt

- Work of stylist for the creation of models and craftsman for the manufacture.

Textile arts.


Where to find our creations ?


We have made the formidable choice to market our creations directly.

You can come and see us at the farm (by appointment). You can order on our website.

You can also find us in different markets and fairs.

(Our agenda is available online on our Website)




B and B

1, Kerlouet Vras22160 Plourac'h 

02 96 45 01 55

Macello le marmoto va au dodo

Last edited: Tue 18 feb 2025