Ray English Painting

Who am I ?

My husband (then partner) and I came to live in Brittany in 1997.
We got married here in 2005 by the local mayor. I was retired from work in my fifties.
Found a lovely home in Plourac'h. Got a little French car.
I got some oil paints, brushes Canvas and an easel. Had a go. Found someone to teach me the procedure.
Then got interested in watercolours. Discovered a group of painters, joined and am having great fun since.
We got out on location to paint.
Sometimes with the "Couleurs de Bretagne", it's a competition, painting out all day, in different towns then hand in work come back at 5.30. prizegiving.
Met so many people doing this.
A friend and I have an exibition at Belle Isle en Terre every July/August, same in Huelgoat, an occasionally other places.
And the art club I belong to in Callac has an expo every year in the salle at the Biblioteque in Callac.
I also belong to a Choir in Callac with Marie Renée as leader and we sing Classical pieces and give concerts.

This is the best life anyone can have...

Last edited: Fri 07 feb 2025